Upload and Share Your Files

Upload your Images, documents, music, and video in a single place and access them anywhere and share them everywhere. >> SIGN UP if you want to have 1.5GB storage, password protect your files, upload files with size up to 1GB, store files for 10 days, and ability to upload up to 10 files at the same time


Enjoy many features provided by File Transfer

Fast Sharing

Fast Sharing

With our File Transfer tool, you will be able to upload and download any document FAST

Use Anywhere

Use Anywhere

Location doesn't matter. Use File Transfer tool from anywhere in the world

Unlimited Files

Unlimited Files

Upload and Share UNLIMITED files with your friends, coworkers, and family using File Transfer tool

Ghost Mode

Ghost Mode

Use Fast File Transfer without an account and enjoy 500MB storage capacity, 500MB max. file size uploading, storing files for 2 days, and up to 5 files uploading at the same time

User Mode

User Mode

Sign Up and enjoy 1.5GB storage capacity, 1GB max. file size uploading, storing for 10 days, uploading up to 10 files at the same time, and ability to password protect your files.

Child Safe

Child Safe

Children can use this safely for school projects. No illegal or unaccepted ads or content is showing up

All Files

All Files

With Fast File Transfer you can share ANY kind of files you want. You choose, we transfer.


These are commonly asked questions about us

Fast File Transfer, accessed at  https://internettoolkits.com/filetransfer/ is another FREE tool from InternetToolkits.com that you can use when wanting to share files with others in a matter of seconds.

With Fast File Transfer you'll enjoy the following benefits:

  1. Free to use
  2. Easy to use
  3. Can be used with all kinds of files, audio, videos, images, PDFs, word, excel, etc.
  4. Can be used with large files that can't be shared by other means like email
  5. FAST uploading and FAST link generating

Follow these steps when using Fast File Transfer:

  1. Click "upload"
  2. Choose the file you want from your device
  3. Choose when to have your file destroyed or deleted from Fast File Transfer database
  4. Click "upload" again
  5. Copy the link you want, either the preview one or the download one
  6. Share it with anyone you want, anywhere

The receiver of the link will use it and preview or download the file shared accordingly.

Yes. Fast File Transfer, accessed at https://internettoolkits.com/filetransfer/ is totally FREE

File transfer is the process of moving file(s) of any kind from one computer to another. This could be done using transfer devices like USB flashes or hard drives, or it can be done over an Internet connection. Purpose here is to share those files between remote users and or computers.

Fast File Transfer can be used completely without registeration. However, if you want to have more storage capacity, bigger file sizes to upload, and more number of files you can upload at one time, then all you need to do is sign up 100% FREE still.

Contact Us

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Upload Files

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Max File Size 500.00 MB / Files available for 2 days

Drag and drop or click here to upload

You can also browse from your computer

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