privacy policy generator

Having a Privacy Policy Page is mandatory for 100% of the websites that deal with users, unlike the individual or private websites accessed only by the owner which don’t require this page. This is because so many regulations are requiring this page, whether it’s the country law, the CCPA regulation or the GDPR regulation for example.

Privacy Policy Generator Tool

Generated Code


How to use the Privacy Policy Page Generator?

To have your own customized privacy policy page:

  1. Fill in the information on the left side above. (Website name, Website url, and Email linked to that website)
  2. Click on “Generate Code” and your page code will be generated on the right side
  3. Click “Copy Code” button
  4. Create a new page on your website named “Privacy Policy”
  5. Create a block for adding an HTML code
  6. Paste the code you copied from our Privacy Policy Page Generator Tool
  7. Preview your page and Modify/add/remove if you need
    • If you’re familiar with wordpress then you can transform that block into paragraph and edit there
    • If you can’t use the above method then simply copy the published page into a word document, make the edits you need and then paste them again into your Privacy Policy page after removing the existing code
  8. Publish your page when done

Why you must have a Privacy Policy Page?

If you intend to have visitors to your website, then it’s mandatory to have a privacy policy page for the following reasons:

  • To follow laws that require you to inform your visitors about what data you collect, how it’s used, stored and protected.
  • To comply with other regulations other than your country ones like GDPR, or CCPA if you’re receiving visitors from other locations.
  • To follow Google’s policy of having a privacy policy page
  • To be eligible to be accepted to Google’s Adsense program to show ads and earn money
  • To protect yourself in law suits, god forbid, proving that you informed your users on what is going to happen with the data they’ll share

What are included in the Privacy Policy Page?

As explained above, the Privacy Policy page is intended to inform your users on how their data shared on your website is going to be processed by you or your website or your business, and because every business is different from the other in some sense, then technically speaking, it’s hard to have fixed content for the Privacy Policy page for all websites.

However, there are several elements that can be included in your Privacy Policy as a minimum that you can add to or even remove from according to your website’s business model.

  •  Introduction: a brief description on your website/business
  • Consent: to have the user consent reading, understanding, and complying with your policies
  • Information we collect: what kind of information you collect on your website
  • How we use your information: where the information is stored, to whom it’s shared, what happens with it
  • Cookies: if you’re using cookies to learn your user’s preferences, or third parties cookies.
  • Our Advertising Partners: cookies used by the advertising agencies you use like google adsense or ezoic for example, and their policies
  • CCPA Privacy Rights (Do Not Sell My Personal Information): User’s rights under the CCPA regulation
  • GDPR Data Protection Rights: User rights under the GDPR regulation
  • Children’s Information: Your policy regarding children if your website is dealing with children.

Why using the Privacy Policy Generator?

Using our Privacy Policy Page Generator tool makes the job of creating your Privacy Policy Page easier for you because of the following reasons:

  • It’s ABSOLUTELY EASY to use
  • It’s SUPER FAST to generate your Privacy Policy Page
  • NO ACCOUNT is needed
  • It’s ONLINE so no need to have desktop tool or something to use
  • Access to other FREE TOOLS