About Us Page Generator. Internet Toolkits

About Us Generator Tool

Generated Code


If you’re creating a website, then one of the pages you should have is the About Us page, and you can generate one in minutes using our About Us Page Generator Tool for Free

In the about us page, you’re introducing yourself, your team, and your website to your visitors. In most cases it’s not required to have this page, but having it is always an added value to your visitors experience, and website ranking.

Google lately talked about the importance of having an authority in your niche which can be demonstrated by the information you share about you in the About Us Page. This is where you share your identity, experience, team’s involved, and reasons for creating your website.

Check Also Other Free Page Generators:

Privacy Policy Page Generator

Terms and Conditions Page Generator

About Us Page Generator

Disclaimer Page Generator

Affiliate Disclosure Page Generator

What are the data included in the About Us Page?

Generally speaking, you can consider the following when creating your About Us Page:

1- Your Identity

You can share your name and add a picture of yourself, and you can make it relevant to your website like putting a picture of you with phones if your website is about phones.

2- Your History

You can share your background and experience. This is where you can share why you created your website and the problems you had that you’re trying to solve for others.

3- Team involved

Maybe it’s not just you working on your website, maybe you have a team of friends, or family, or paid employees that are helping you with your website.

In this section you can share the background of the team working with you and what makes them different and unique

4- Purpose, Vision, and Mission

Another content you can add in your about us page, is the purpose of you or your website in a clear way. You can also add the vision that you’re trying to achieve with your website in 5 years, and how you’re achieving that with your mission.

5- Benefits

Another good idea is to include benefits from using your website, like what I’m doing with my About Us page. Here you share couple of benefits that your visitors will have when they use your website or services.

Why you need the About Us page in your website?

Like I said in the introduction, it’s not required to have this page in most cases, but having it will really up-level your game because of the following reasons:

1- Good user experience

Now your visitors know you better and have more reasons to trust you, your content, and your services. Now they know your background, your history

2- Higher ranking

Google uses authority as a ranking factor. It favors medical related articles that are written by doctors rather than a non medical blogger. It gives high ranking to a technological website owned by an experienced tech person rather than one owned by a doctor.

With that being said, if you’re content is accurate and you have demonstrated authority in your niche, then Google will use that for your ranking.

The about us page, is the perfect place that you can showcase your experience, your certificates, your education, and other reasons why you’re considered authoritative in your niche.

What are the benefits of using the About Us Page Generator Tool?

There are 5 benefits of using our about us page generator tool which are:


Our tool is free to use unlimited times and for unlimited websites so you’re saving money

2- Online

The about us page generator tool is an online one, so you can access it anytime and from anywhere, and it doesn’t require fast internet connection.

3- Easy

It’s easy to use and doesn’t require any coding knowledge or programming experience. The tool has a built in template that only requires your basic and unique information.

4- Ready to use

Once you generate the about us page, you can immediately use it in your website as it has a built in template that includes basic and friendly content suitable for all kind of websites.

5- Mobile friendly

The tool works perfectly on your phone. You just insert the needed data and the code will be generated for you to copy and paste in a new page to publish and that’s it.

Should you be worried that you’re using the same template others will use?

No you shouldn’t be worried of using the about us page generator tool that uses the same template for anyone uses it because of the following reasons:

  • It’s not going to be 100% like other about us pages generated because it’ll have 5 unique information each time it’s being used; the website name, the website url, slogan, services, and the contact email
  • If you decided to edit the generated about us page, then that will serve also as making yours unique.
  • The about us page is meant to serve your visitors by sharing with them more information about you and your website and it’s not meant to be indexed by Google. So even if it’s considered as duplicate to other pages, there’s nothing to worry about from the SEO perspective.

How to use the About Us Page Generator tool?

Follow the below simple steps:

  1. Insert your website name in the first field. Example: Internet Toolkits
  2. Write down your slogan or your mission or your website’s description. Example: Simplifying Your Online Experience (the one I have for Internet Toolkits)
  3. Paste your website exact url. Example: https://internettoolkits.com/
  4. Write down the services you’re providing in your website for your visitors. Examples: food recipes, phones review, cars maintenance, coaching, consulting, etc
  5. Share the email address that you want users to use when contacting you. It’s better to have the same one you’re using for your Contact Us page.
  6. Click on “Generate Code”
  7. The code will be generated in an HTML format in the light blue section.
  8. Click on “Copy Codes” or copy it manually (Control+C or Command+C)
  9. Create a new page on your website, name it About Us, and paste the code after choosing the HTML writing format in your page
  10. Preview your page and make any editing needed but this time, using the normal visual mode. Editing doesn’t have to be in the HTML format.
  11. Publish the page once happy with the final result