Random Password Generator

Create VERY STRONG PASSWORDS in seconds using the tool below

Random Password Generator

Generated Password
click to copy

What is Random Password Generator?

Random Password Generator is a tool that helps you create very strong passwords using one or more of the features generally asked by websites that have high authority and security

How to use the Random Password Generator?

1- First, you have to decide how many components you’d like to have in your password. Is it going to be long or short. is it going to have uppercase letters or not, lowercase letters or not, numbers, or symbols

**Note: some websites do tell you what is considered a strong password for them. So you might decide that you won’t include symbols only to find out that the website you’re registering for is requesting those special characters, so be mindful of that.

2- Once it’s decided on the password elements, you simply activate/deactivate those components from the tool above.

3- Click “Generate Password” and your randomly strong password will be created for you above.

4- Copy it and paste it in its field AND save it in your password manager as well.

Features included in the Random Password Generator tool?

1- Length

You can use the slider above and determine the number of characters to include in your password. Generally speaking, the longer the password it is, the harder it is for hackers to identify it and get it.

2- Uppercase

Uppercase characters are letters in “capitals” like A, Z, J and so on. You can determine if you’d like to include UPPERCASE letters in your passwords or not.

3- Lowercase

Lowercase characters are small letters that you can include in your password like a, z, j, and so on. With this Random Password Generator tool you can choose whether to include them or not

4- Numbers

You can include numbers 0-9 to make your password even stronger.

5- Symbols or “Special Characters”

Those are the characters or symbols like %, $, &, _ , /. and so on. Having those in your password strengthen your password and makes it harder for anyone to get hold of it.

Benefits of using the Random Password Generator

  1. Improve the security of your digital credentials and important digital accounts like your email accounts, social network accounts, online banking accounts, etc.
  2. Saving time coming up or creating a strong password on your own.
  3. It’s FREE so you’ll save your money
  4. It’s ONLINE so it’s accessible anywhere you go.

What makes password strong?

There are more than one element to make your password stronger and harder for hackers to identify.

  • Length: Long passwords are stronger and according to Google Help Center, they advise to have your password at least 12 characters long. (https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/32040?hl=en&ref_topic=3382296&sjid=11583259225115685672-EU)
  • Randomness: Using a random password that is made up of random mixed characters whether they’re numbers or letters or symbols or all.
  • Uniqueness: Having a unique password for your different accounts, emails, websites, hosting, etc, makes it very difficult for hackers to steal anything from you. If you use same password for multiple accounts and one of those accounts got hacked, then it’s going to be easier for the hacker to steal the others because it’s the first password they’ll try to get to your other accounts.
  • Oddness: Using strange words or strange order of numbers, letters, and words makes your password stronger as well. Refrain from using common words like “password” or common pattern like “1234” or “qwer” etc

How to easily manage your passwords?

Okay, so it’s obvious that having one unique password for each account you have is a MUST if you truly value those accounts. And according to Dashlane’s 2017 findings (https://blog.dashlane.com/world-password-day/), the average American Internet user have more than 150 online accounts.

This means more than 150 unique passwords to memorize. Is it only me or is it TOO MUCH !!

The obvious solution here is to use a password manager tool that can save all your password in one place and you only need to memorize the password to that tool for which I’m going to assume that you’ll include everything in it:

  • You’ll make it the longest one ever created
  • Include Uppercase letters
  • Include lowercase letters
  • Include numbers
  • Include symbols
  • Include a detonator.. if you could, right!

If you want my advise.. don’t use only one tool, use 2 or 3. As I mentioned above, diversifying your passwords placeholders is crucial in protecting your accounts. And if you’re having more than 150 accounts, then having 2 or even 3 password manager tools is about right.


Are randomly generated passwords more secure?

Yes indeed. Randomly generated passwords make it harder for hackers to crack it and identify it. With that being said, everyday hackers get smarter as well and find out cracks to get through and steal passwords. But having a randomly generated password, SPECIALLY if it includes all components above and is long, will definitely makes it very very hard for hackers to steal

Are random password generators safe?

Yes, random password generators are safe because you’re not sharing any information regarding your account that you’re creating a password for. You’re only pressing buttons to generate STRONGER password that you can come up with and in seconds